Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3 am just me, blink, and my bored

WOOO ok so when Im writeing this I just came inside from a bit of midnight skating my heart is beating faster than I can count and I have sooo much adrinlen in my system I could fight and army. midnight skating is skating anytime after midnight and before 5 normaly I stay out longer but tonight was really cold . I skate becuse it pervides a relese from the minotny that is my life and midnight skating is even better cus theres no one around. its like your in your own lil world only its really there. its the best kind of high I have ever gotten when Im going down the midle of a street at 3 in the moring with blink blasting in my ears (some times FOB but mostly blink) and my thougts turning. or the blast of energy I get when Im runing up a hill just so I can turn around and go back down. its awesome and I recomend it (thoght if you live in a place where you can get mugged then I don't) so if you see a scrawny black kid in a hoodie and a hat tilted to the side with a star on it then its probly me alone with my world and my thougths

kk got to write my firend and email and then go to bed so I can call dixie in the moring
Chris M


  1. I kinda like this idea of midnight skating... it's very powerful imagery. It's like walking back from a good gig at 12 o' clock when the streets are deserted. There's something very satisfying about it, I completely agree.


  2. sounds funn :]
    haha scrawny black kid? thats not the chris i kno who can do a back handspring in the halls of mit! lol

  3. yeah i know what you mean..something about being alone with music in your ears, a bike,(in this case a skateboard) is just so satisfying! I love just the whole thing amazing...

  4. FOB? and why can u never fight an army when were at MIT?
