Wednesday, March 4, 2009

songs poitry and floods

so a few months ago I figured I would try my hand a bit of poetry its really bad but here it is


We sit here doing the same stuff, the same shit, but me I'm just so tired of this, so must I bust lose from this noose of the same thing, from the procrastination and inconsideration of the fuckers who want keep us down, tho we try to blame them its also us we let them do it so the sick circle contens, but not me, no I must bust free, I'm must be the rebel with the cause of ME, me who just must be free of the god damn moniny of this ternny, ha ha I lafe in the face of death I feel no fear and do what I must, and I must be free. The thing is Im scared of the beast, that is within me who also wants to be free. The one that wants that montiny who just wants to be safe and do exactly what they say and not believe in this cause that is me. But unlike me it shell not be free, it shell stay hidden inside of me. For I hold the key and I don't wish it to be free. because I do believe in that, that is ME!!

so ok right Im sitting around with R after class (history it is the BOMB) and I was ended up wirting this rap for a song Im working on. but I think its to sapy and Im more of a lad back rapper. and you no what is really anoying when my firends that are girls for some reson think that saying thats cute is a nice thing to say I mean you like us guys to say I would hit that (ok mybe a lil over but still you get my point) I think that there should be a big meeting between girls and guys and make rules about who should say and do what but thats just me talking and plus if I went I would SOOO try to flirt with all the girls *evil smile*. for some resaon I keep almost calling my history Prof bob I mean he looks like a bob idk what it is but he looks like his name should be bob (his name is derek). I have this wierd fear of living in a one story house and here is my resoning. lets say there is a flood (this new engeld ppl) I sure don't want to be stuck on the roof when I could just be upstairs Im just saying its commen since why be on and unconfrible roof when you can be unsaires in your room or what ever
ok got to go do homework peace out ppl ttyl

the guy who is trying to take over the world just not today
Chris M

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