Monday, March 16, 2009

spring break

hey whats up guys its been a while since I droped a blog so I figerd I should soo guess what Im on spring break this means for one week I am going to lazy around and not do anything but the acatio math homework YES. ok so here is what I plan to acomplesh on this spring break. 1 finsh chapter 2,3 and 4 (I think four would be the best cus I have R playing a wominzer) finsh this song Im working on and do a few edits to dance with me (change the name too) do my math homework and study (am failing) and last but not lest chill with my bros D, M, M, D, T, P you guys no who you are. so thats the plan what are you guys doing this spring break ? (not that I expstect any replys) so resontly I have been thinking about what kinda car I want (I turn 18 soon and don't want too get my lince before then) and I think I want and audi (the chances of me geting this are really really unlikly) a black one at that becuse its just damn sexy plus Im a lil emo when it comes to my gagents and cars and stuff like both my computers, phone, zune and fave shirt are black but Im really weird like that. ok so today I was going tro my phone a lil while ago (5 mins) and I came acrose someone i didn't rember now normaly I have a note in the contacts list like its weird but ok for my coworker megan I have no her from staples is cool and is really good at her job now see when ever I look at it I will no who it is . so I came across this person who i didn't no who it was was weird but I had no clue. so I texted them and it turned out she didn't no who I was but then I was like Chris M and she was like OHH ok and we talked for a few more mins and that was it. (what where you exspcting a moral yes I just did waste 5 mins of your time (if you where reading it) on a dumb story of me not knowing who someone was ) ok now that I have nothing more to say I will ttyl I have ppl to text ( yo V) and someone is souposted to call me (holler S)
Ok timewaster out 
the dude that is lying in bed typing this and eatin candy
Chris M

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nice lol
    dude how many ppl do u know? like seriously:P
