sooo ok I was thinking like ok so we no evil always wins its like a law of reality and you no if you can't beat them join them BUT at the same time Ive always been the kinda guy who said fuck norm and fuck the man (who ever he is) so where dose that leave me cus a dude can't sell out not even for the lambo... just saying. resontly my well lets call it fun past has come back to bit me in the ass so ppl just think about what you do cus later in life you might end up regeting it big time I no I do. but then lets face it I skated out of a second story window into a pool so I should have known I was going to regret it. w00t its the last two weeks of school for me and I can't wait for it to be over then sleep in a week then get up and do it again cus thats how I doooo lol i ended up failing math (this might have been to the fact that I started a blog just not to do the homework) so Im taking it over the summer ughh but it will be chill cus all my bros are going away (V,R,ect) so Im going to get a summer job take a chill pill (no its not a real drug) and relax make some seurose money and get a car and my linsnce. ok gtg do my shiznit you no homework ugh so ppl who still read this (like all 1 on of you) will ttyl
the amazingly bad liar (NOT) Chris M
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
the woes of bros and hoes and bro love
ok so a lil while ago I got to thinking. every body knows the saying bros before hoes and chicks before (a word that's medical name is penis ha ha I can say it) but you no when its acaly happing most ppl when there bros tell them the girl they like is a hoe about 98 percent of the time (just made that up but its probly prity acruit) the guy will ingnore this bro (weirdly enof his bro says that the crush is ugly they lisn). this is bad cus most times they get burned idk why tho its like up untill the crush or starting of the liking (falling in like not love) the guy or girl in qustion is cool calm and lisnes to there bros but enter a hot member of the opiset sex into the eqation and BAM its all over theres nothing that can be done about it . well I don't have a soultion exsept for this lisn to your bros cus there just looking out for you.
hey one more thing before I go to that thing that is BED cus Im TIRED bro love when did it becume gay to tell your best firend you love him whats gay about that I love all my bros (weather girls or guys) and I may not say it a lot I will most of the times say dude I love you (ok I do this to freak them out more than anything) but its true I love my bros and Im man enof to say it. hell I will scream it from my rooftop if I didn't live next to the poicle stion (not trying to got to jail for disterbing the peace) but look I don't no when Im going to kick it or what ever and I want all my love ones to no i love them so every once in a while if your my bro Im going to say I love you (I will not hug you cus you no Im not a hugy person)
ok off the bed I am soo ttyl
the the dude who likes to write songs yet can not sing
Chris M
P.S. hey what do you guys think of this
yo my name is Chris
some times known as westwood6
and maybe chrissy but only if your dixie
cus if you an't dixie then Im not chrissy
many ppl no me by many names
and thats a shame
cus I only really have one name
coment what you think... or email me (
hey one more thing before I go to that thing that is BED cus Im TIRED bro love when did it becume gay to tell your best firend you love him whats gay about that I love all my bros (weather girls or guys) and I may not say it a lot I will most of the times say dude I love you (ok I do this to freak them out more than anything) but its true I love my bros and Im man enof to say it. hell I will scream it from my rooftop if I didn't live next to the poicle stion (not trying to got to jail for disterbing the peace) but look I don't no when Im going to kick it or what ever and I want all my love ones to no i love them so every once in a while if your my bro Im going to say I love you (I will not hug you cus you no Im not a hugy person)
ok off the bed I am soo ttyl
the the dude who likes to write songs yet can not sing
Chris M
P.S. hey what do you guys think of this
yo my name is Chris
some times known as westwood6
and maybe chrissy but only if your dixie
cus if you an't dixie then Im not chrissy
many ppl no me by many names
and thats a shame
cus I only really have one name
coment what you think... or email me (
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
3 am just me, blink, and my bored
WOOO ok so when Im writeing this I just came inside from a bit of midnight skating my heart is beating faster than I can count and I have sooo much adrinlen in my system I could fight and army. midnight skating is skating anytime after midnight and before 5 normaly I stay out longer but tonight was really cold . I skate becuse it pervides a relese from the minotny that is my life and midnight skating is even better cus theres no one around. its like your in your own lil world only its really there. its the best kind of high I have ever gotten when Im going down the midle of a street at 3 in the moring with blink blasting in my ears (some times FOB but mostly blink) and my thougts turning. or the blast of energy I get when Im runing up a hill just so I can turn around and go back down. its awesome and I recomend it (thoght if you live in a place where you can get mugged then I don't) so if you see a scrawny black kid in a hoodie and a hat tilted to the side with a star on it then its probly me alone with my world and my thougths
kk got to write my firend and email and then go to bed so I can call dixie in the moring
Chris M
kk got to write my firend and email and then go to bed so I can call dixie in the moring
Chris M
Monday, March 16, 2009
spring break
hey whats up guys its been a while since I droped a blog so I figerd I should soo guess what Im on spring break this means for one week I am going to lazy around and not do anything but the acatio math homework YES. ok so here is what I plan to acomplesh on this spring break. 1 finsh chapter 2,3 and 4 (I think four would be the best cus I have R playing a wominzer) finsh this song Im working on and do a few edits to dance with me (change the name too) do my math homework and study (am failing) and last but not lest chill with my bros D, M, M, D, T, P you guys no who you are. so thats the plan what are you guys doing this spring break ? (not that I expstect any replys) so resontly I have been thinking about what kinda car I want (I turn 18 soon and don't want too get my lince before then) and I think I want and audi (the chances of me geting this are really really unlikly) a black one at that becuse its just damn sexy plus Im a lil emo when it comes to my gagents and cars and stuff like both my computers, phone, zune and fave shirt are black but Im really weird like that. ok so today I was going tro my phone a lil while ago (5 mins) and I came acrose someone i didn't rember now normaly I have a note in the contacts list like its weird but ok for my coworker megan I have no her from staples is cool and is really good at her job now see when ever I look at it I will no who it is . so I came across this person who i didn't no who it was was weird but I had no clue. so I texted them and it turned out she didn't no who I was but then I was like Chris M and she was like OHH ok and we talked for a few more mins and that was it. (what where you exspcting a moral yes I just did waste 5 mins of your time (if you where reading it) on a dumb story of me not knowing who someone was ) ok now that I have nothing more to say I will ttyl I have ppl to text ( yo V) and someone is souposted to call me (holler S)
Ok timewaster out
the dude that is lying in bed typing this and eatin candy
Chris M
Monday, March 9, 2009
time with in my mind
ok here is a really weird thing I just found out I can put ads on my blog but you no what I'm not going to seeing as Im fighting the man and all that (just something to do you how it is) a few months ago I was being really stressed out with finals and every thing I felt to plugged in like I couldn't go 5 mins with out getting a text or a facebook chat or and AIM or and Email or getting called or something its like all of a sudden I didn't have any time to just be with my self. now this dose not mean I want my friends to stop talking to me I just felt a lil overwhelmed and like I had no time for myself. well one day I was in Bridgeport and tired so I stopped in a D and D for a latte just for min you see to grab something to eat and a caffeinated drink to keep me awake. as I sat down I looked at my phone and realized something. my ride wasn't picking me up for a lil while and I had no texts or emails so I turned my phone, laptop, and bluetooth head set off and composed a playlist on my zune that I later named relax and started reading a book (BOOK WORM TILL DEATH) though it only lasted 20 mins it was really nice to just sit back and go into my own lil world for a few mins to kick the rest of my worise and every thing to the curb for a few mins and just be with you a good coffee a muffin and a good book. then my phone rang it was my mom telling me she was outside. so from now on for about 20 mins around 6 a clock every Tuesday I can be found ignoring ppl and relaxing in my own lil world with a good book. I highly recommend it
well I have emails to write homework to do and and a book that won't write itself (am almost done with the second chapter) so until next time
the geek lord admin Chris M
well I have emails to write homework to do and and a book that won't write itself (am almost done with the second chapter) so until next time
the geek lord admin Chris M
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
songs poitry and floods
so a few months ago I figured I would try my hand a bit of poetry its really bad but here it is
We sit here doing the same stuff, the same shit, but me I'm just so tired of this, so must I bust lose from this noose of the same thing, from the procrastination and inconsideration of the fuckers who want keep us down, tho we try to blame them its also us we let them do it so the sick circle contens, but not me, no I must bust free, I'm must be the rebel with the cause of ME, me who just must be free of the god damn moniny of this ternny, ha ha I lafe in the face of death I feel no fear and do what I must, and I must be free. The thing is Im scared of the beast, that is within me who also wants to be free. The one that wants that montiny who just wants to be safe and do exactly what they say and not believe in this cause that is me. But unlike me it shell not be free, it shell stay hidden inside of me. For I hold the key and I don't wish it to be free. because I do believe in that, that is ME!!
so ok right Im sitting around with R after class (history it is the BOMB) and I was ended up wirting this rap for a song Im working on. but I think its to sapy and Im more of a lad back rapper. and you no what is really anoying when my firends that are girls for some reson think that saying thats cute is a nice thing to say I mean you like us guys to say I would hit that (ok mybe a lil over but still you get my point) I think that there should be a big meeting between girls and guys and make rules about who should say and do what but thats just me talking and plus if I went I would SOOO try to flirt with all the girls *evil smile*. for some resaon I keep almost calling my history Prof bob I mean he looks like a bob idk what it is but he looks like his name should be bob (his name is derek). I have this wierd fear of living in a one story house and here is my resoning. lets say there is a flood (this new engeld ppl) I sure don't want to be stuck on the roof when I could just be upstairs Im just saying its commen since why be on and unconfrible roof when you can be unsaires in your room or what ever
ok got to go do homework peace out ppl ttyl
the guy who is trying to take over the world just not today
Chris M
We sit here doing the same stuff, the same shit, but me I'm just so tired of this, so must I bust lose from this noose of the same thing, from the procrastination and inconsideration of the fuckers who want keep us down, tho we try to blame them its also us we let them do it so the sick circle contens, but not me, no I must bust free, I'm must be the rebel with the cause of ME, me who just must be free of the god damn moniny of this ternny, ha ha I lafe in the face of death I feel no fear and do what I must, and I must be free. The thing is Im scared of the beast, that is within me who also wants to be free. The one that wants that montiny who just wants to be safe and do exactly what they say and not believe in this cause that is me. But unlike me it shell not be free, it shell stay hidden inside of me. For I hold the key and I don't wish it to be free. because I do believe in that, that is ME!!
so ok right Im sitting around with R after class (history it is the BOMB) and I was ended up wirting this rap for a song Im working on. but I think its to sapy and Im more of a lad back rapper. and you no what is really anoying when my firends that are girls for some reson think that saying thats cute is a nice thing to say I mean you like us guys to say I would hit that (ok mybe a lil over but still you get my point) I think that there should be a big meeting between girls and guys and make rules about who should say and do what but thats just me talking and plus if I went I would SOOO try to flirt with all the girls *evil smile*. for some resaon I keep almost calling my history Prof bob I mean he looks like a bob idk what it is but he looks like his name should be bob (his name is derek). I have this wierd fear of living in a one story house and here is my resoning. lets say there is a flood (this new engeld ppl) I sure don't want to be stuck on the roof when I could just be upstairs Im just saying its commen since why be on and unconfrible roof when you can be unsaires in your room or what ever
ok got to go do homework peace out ppl ttyl
the guy who is trying to take over the world just not today
Chris M
me and my bros
ok so as normal I'm tired and should be doing math homework but I'm NOT lol. so I was thinking right and you no what I want ? I want to start a petion to start a nap time for senors in high school and college students. this is kinda silly but do you no how much of the time I'm tired ? from the min I wake up to the min I go to bed. most of the time its not even phiscally tired. most of the time its mentally tired. from all the stuff I do from all week I barely have time to chill UGH this is why I hate school. its a lil sad but I find my self almost falling asleep all the time. when i do eventually go to bed I hit the sack and pass out and sleep HARD. latly my mind has been so busy I have not even really thought about girls now for those who don't no me this is a BIG thing cus normally girls are almost all I do think about its kinda scary. so Im saying ppl lets bring back nap time I mean come on most ppl are working harder than me and if Im tired then damn some ppl may be about to die. ( after reading this I want to make it clear that ppl could die of extions not cus I would kill them just thogt I would claerafy that)
I was thinking (yeah I no your asking why in gods dear name would he do that) doing dumb stuff is ok as long as you have your firends with you. I mean think about that first dude who ever jumped out of a plane with a cloth thingy on his back was that smart HELL no but I bet you he was with his friends and what about the dude who was like hey hey lets go play a game that invalves smashing into each other and throwing balls at each other while like 20 other guys come at me and try to beat the crap out of me (im talking about rugby not football cus we where helmets in football) sure when you think about this its just compt lunisc but I bet that dude was with his bros so it was all good. so as long as your with your bros chances are its all good.
resontly I have been told Im dush bag
this is partly true I mean I am I tend not to care about what ppl have to say to me if I don't no them I mean I will tend to make an atempt to be polite but I only go so far. my firends tho I have reashured me that yes I am a dush bag but not to them. this is true I'm really loyal to all my friends. here's my reasoning for the way I am. my bros are my bros you mess with them well you might as well mess with me and seeing as I douht I will ever see most of the ppl around me ever agien I really don't care what they say or think about me yeah I no its weird but Im weird and I like being me (at lest I think so)
peace till later that cool dude named chris
I was thinking (yeah I no your asking why in gods dear name would he do that) doing dumb stuff is ok as long as you have your firends with you. I mean think about that first dude who ever jumped out of a plane with a cloth thingy on his back was that smart HELL no but I bet you he was with his friends and what about the dude who was like hey hey lets go play a game that invalves smashing into each other and throwing balls at each other while like 20 other guys come at me and try to beat the crap out of me (im talking about rugby not football cus we where helmets in football) sure when you think about this its just compt lunisc but I bet that dude was with his bros so it was all good. so as long as your with your bros chances are its all good.
resontly I have been told Im dush bag
this is partly true I mean I am I tend not to care about what ppl have to say to me if I don't no them I mean I will tend to make an atempt to be polite but I only go so far. my firends tho I have reashured me that yes I am a dush bag but not to them. this is true I'm really loyal to all my friends. here's my reasoning for the way I am. my bros are my bros you mess with them well you might as well mess with me and seeing as I douht I will ever see most of the ppl around me ever agien I really don't care what they say or think about me yeah I no its weird but Im weird and I like being me (at lest I think so)
peace till later that cool dude named chris
Monday, March 2, 2009
my thougths on school

(By the way I am sooo Hyped up on caffeine when I was writing this)
Ok like this came to me on my way to psy 111 this just my way of thinking you don’t have to agree, school is a big messed up battle in the this great war of life and as a student you are a soldier, the battle field may vary from high school to college but it’s all the same. The dangers that can befall any student are bad teachers, pop quizzes, SATs too a test u didn’t have time to study for. As solders our weapons are caffeine, all-nighters, study groups, Google, iPods and laptops. This battle sometimes gets really nasty ( remember the last time you forgot to study for a test or a teacher who seemed to be out to get u ) I’m here to tell u next time u feel like u should just say forget it all. GET YOUR BUTT UP SOLDER. Because as your friend I will not let you fall into the trenches of the messed up battle that school is or be blown to smithereens by a forgotten paper, I got your back and it I will be proud to graduate with you. So let’s get your butt in gear grab that IPod and down that amped because that next bullet (test) may pop you in the head if you don’t start moving. So whether its 6 months out of the year or 9 keep up the fight because life can be a crap hole if you don’t have a degree of some type. and lets face it the real reason we put up with this crap is in hope that in 10 year we'll be chilling in the Lamborghini or at the pool side of that 5 mill house u just bought in Malibu.
ok will write somemore latter right now Ive got math homework to do and a book to write peace out
Chris M
Thursday, February 26, 2009
yes Im still talking
ok so like Ive just got to shc like an hour ago and i relized something I like it here its weird but I like walking thro the halls and seeing at lest 5 ppl who not only no but am on freidly terms with me it makes me sad when I leave here next year but hey thats life right ? ok on a wierd note this girl behind me said shes on crack this is weird. hey so heres a fun story about why I need a car. so I was in Bport at the D and D and I saw this really really hot girl and I winked at her and she winked back. I then got into my moms mini van and my mom asked me if there was something wrong with my eye.... just a one of the resones. resontly I have started taking the train to bethal to hang with my frends up there and you no what I realized I LOVE the train tho I hate the staion in Bport. but the train is awesome cus like you can just chill but Im allways scared Im going to for get my stop and in end up in florda (don't ask why florda I just think florda I would never live if florda only cus like there anrn't enof girls there) and have to figer out how to get back..... this would recquer thinking on my part and all who know me no that tho Im prity bleeping smart if I do say so my self I don't like to think. the best thing about the trian is that after I grab a coffee from D&D I just chill read a good book and watch the land go by. why is there not a D&D by NVCC you guys who read this no what I mean its like come on ppl college students make up your main dimagafic so give us a D&D I think Im going to start a putishion for it...
Ok I neeed to do my math homework (yeah I no Im actal going to do it this is a weird day for me) so I will ttyl peace out ppl you ballroom dudes and dudetts see you guys tomorew and a happy B day shout out to my boy D
that dude who is a caffen adict
Chris M
Ok I neeed to do my math homework (yeah I no Im actal going to do it this is a weird day for me) so I will ttyl peace out ppl you ballroom dudes and dudetts see you guys tomorew and a happy B day shout out to my boy D
that dude who is a caffen adict
Chris M
Monday, February 23, 2009
facebook, tanks, and email yeah Im a wack job
awesome news Facebook is no longer evil they have resoended that nasty lil close that lets them own all your crap but they are still on the most watched evil corp list. ok so I as normal when writing these blogs am avoding studying for math (which I hate) cus I have a test in like an hour and after thinking about it I have diside to finsh a few emails insted. and you no what kicks butt emails. I tend to love to get them tho I procrastenat writing them but once Ive hit send Im constaly on my phone or laptop checking my inbox like a lil kid its kinda pithdic I no but hey my frinds who I email ( J, N, E) kick butt an 2/3 of those ppl [random fact about me: I hate hights just don't like them] don't have aim so its the coolest way to stay intouch since Im not one for calling ppl most of the time (cost to bleeping much). so last night Im trying to study (not really working) and I started thinking and have come to the distion I want a bleeping tank so me and my friend N can go blow stuff up with it (as normal R has gone and told me all the boring stuff like I can't own one that still shoots stuff and its illgell to shoot them but as normal Im going to do it anyway and hes going to come along for the ride if only to make sure I do it right) but I have yet to find and afordbal one on ebay the only one I could find was 15,000 bucks whats the deal ppl.
ok peace going to get a MD (mowten dew) from the book store
the dude who is still scard of girls after all these years
Chris M
P.S. you will notice that Im using inshales for all my firends Im only doing this becuse I want to respcet there privisy (not that any body is reading this)
ok peace going to get a MD (mowten dew) from the book store
the dude who is still scard of girls after all these years
Chris M
P.S. you will notice that Im using inshales for all my firends Im only doing this becuse I want to respcet there privisy (not that any body is reading this)
Friday, February 20, 2009
ok sooo Im really really tired
yeah so like I just got home from hanging with some cool ppl and Ive realized something the best ideas and convertains happen after about 10:30 and with really good friends not to many and not too few around 5 -7 no more no less. you tend to have more reminsent converstions like how it was back in the day or what will it be like in 5 years. its really cool and chill bring some snacks cus these convertions tend to last about 3 hours. ( are you really reading this or just skiming) also the best besiness ideas come from a buch of firends chillen most likey in a meeting about something else (the curent pic company my studio is under started that way in a JA meeting) soo thats about it Im going to finsh an email to my good friend N those who no her no shes the BOMB :) btw this is a shout out to her ok untill I next feel like talking about life the
dude other wise known as chris
dude other wise known as chris
Thursday, February 19, 2009
damn homework
ok so Im chillen in my school lab and Im kinda bored I mean I have TONz of homework I could be doing, I have a book I could be working on but lets face it do I really want to do that or do I want to write blog that no one will read ( are you reading this cus Im watching you ) soooo yeah thats all I have to say for now. I need to do my homework *sighs* peace out ppl
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